My digital beta garden
Read here first. A reflection of my bookcases and tabs - a myriad of loosely connected topics and rabbit holes.

This site went live in Jan '23. I was aiming to develop a place to represent me, my work and somewhere to share my words - starting with change, compassion and commitment. I also shared it would be a gradual development as I was continuing to spend much time offline.
Time has passed and this place will be my 'digital garden'.
The name flows back to a fab coach I worked with a couple of years ago when she noted the metaphors I used in our conversations and the need to cultivate, grow, protect and tend to. It evokes my past and yet to made memories of joy, calmness and wonder when finding a perfect view of green, a dry rest on a rainy hill or birdsong in my nearby woods. A reflection of my bookcases and tabs - a myriad of loosely connected topics and rabbit holes.
Digital gardens explore a wide variety of topics and are frequently adjusted and changed to show growth and learning, particularly among people with niche interests....quiet spaces they can call their own, (MIT, Sept 2020)
My digital garden will grow and meander. The structure and content may adapt to the changing seasons too - in the calendar or with me.
It’s my digital garden - not a corporate website or a sales platform.